Tuesday, 16 October 2018

A lost session - Session #21

(This write up somehow never got published at the time but it was the last session of the original campaign. I present it here for completeness and future reference...)

Darien ended up taking the helm of the Bounty and after a few turns of supporting others Theata showed an aptitude for being the Master of Ordnance...  In a nutshell:
  • Lomar & Bastion sought permission to lead raiding teams aboard the Eldar vessel.  Darien granted it and they were successful in breaching the alien ship, spending most of the battle aboard wreaking havoc and sabotaging systems
  • They discover that the ship apparently has no living crew.  Darien orders a full Etheric scan and it's determined that this is a "Ghostship" a wraith cruiser manned only by the souls of dead eldar kept in the ship's "Infinity Matrix".  The only living crew will be a single Spirit Seer who communicates with the dead "crew". 
  • Darien's evasive manoeuvres kept the Eldar guns off target but scuppered any attempt to hit the xenos in return.  He managed to get behind the Eldar vessel and stayed there, away from its guns, for most of the battle
  • The Eldar could only shoot torpedoes at its rear but they crippled the 2nd of the Iconoclast destroyers (the first having already had its Warp drives destroyed - forming a mini tear in space & a navigational hazard... all before the Emperor's Bounty arrived) that were already engaged with the aliens
  • Lomar & Bastion make it to the ship's bridge and manage to blow a hole in it - depressurising it and potentially sucking the contents into the Void.  The Spirit seer apparently survives but locks down the bridge, evading their further wrath.
  • Theata tried to contact the destroyers but discovered that they professed to be Chaos worshipping raiders.  After the 2nd destroyer was crippled the remaining ship fled, leaving the Bounty to deal with the Eldar alone.
  • Darien keep finding messages, data and ship scans passed directly into his mind.  He doesn't know the source but he's not "wired into" the ship in any way.
  • A second salvo of torpedoes slammed into the Bounty doing significant hull damage but leaving the systems, crew and moral relatively intact.
  • Mord spends most of the battle aiding the ship's machine spirit to assist with manoeuvres or scanning as appropriate but turns his hand to leading repair teams after the 2nd torpedo salvo.
  • Return fire, coupled with the continued destruction wrought by Lomar & Bastion's raiders crippled the ship.  The Raiders disembarked and a final salvo from "Gunner Theata" caused critical hit's throughout, leaving the cruiser a wreck in space.
  • The Majestic Labour still hasn't arrived in system.
  • The only stellar body in close range is a barren, airless world.  Theata conducts a series of navigational scans and, with the help of Trumpy & the librarium he can identify a single  complex on the surface, the runes and sigils mark it as connected to the Eldar Craftword Kaelor.

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